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Auto Insurance

Five anti-theft devices that can lower your auto insurance



The alarming spike in car thefts in Ontario has had an unfortunate side effect: it’s also increased auto insurance rates.



Since 2022, car theft in Ontario has increased by nearly 50%. One of the biggest reasons? Remote keyless entry fobs, meant to make driver’s lives easier, can have their signals hacked by thieves using relay devices. These criminals are then able to copy the signal to a blank entry fob, access your car and drive off with it, sometimes in less than a minute.

As stolen cars are often shipped overseas by organized crime rings, many of them are never recovered. The price of replacing so many stolen vehicles raise insurance costs for everyone…even for consumers who have never been considered high-risk. 

If you’re a car owner, it’s a frustrating scenario for sure: you’re already worried about losing your car to thieves, and now you also need to worry about increased insurance costs as well.

Here’s some good news, though. If you’re like the many people in Eastern Ontario who have invested in anti-theft devices for their cars, you may be eligible for a lower insurance rate as well. If you aren’t using vehicle anti-theft devices yet, now is the time to start. You’ll help protect one of your largest investments and you’ll lower your insurance costs as well.

Here are five anti-theft devices that can lower your auto insurance. While none of these are 100% foolproof, they should thwart most would-be thieves.

  1. Car key signal blocker. It’s somewhat reassuring that sophisticated car theft tools can be thwarted by a simple piece of fabric. Signal blockers consist of a small pouch that’s lined with RFID blocking material. Once you place your car keys in the pouch, all transmissions to and from the key fob are, yes, blocked. Would-be thieves will be unable to hijack the fob’s transmission frequency, so they won’t be able to unlock and start your car.
  2. A steering wheel lock. Remember that staple of 90s infomercials, The Club? Well, it’s back and it’s one of many steering wheel locks on the market. Cyber thieves may be able to hack your key fob, but if you’ve placed a lock on the steering wheel, your car won’t be going anywhere until it’s removed.
  3. Vehicle immobilizer. This does exactly what its name implies: it immobilizes your car. When it’s activated (usually automatically after you shut off the car), it disengages engine control units or circuits. This means that until the immobilizer is disabled, no one will be able to start or even access your vehicle. You can have an immobilizer installed on your car for less than $100.
  4. Onboard diagnostic (OBD) port lock. Your vehicle’s onboard diagnostic port, or OBD port, is how updates and diagnoses are made from the vehicle’s onboard computer. Unfortunately, it’s also how many professional thieves are able to override your car’s systems so they can steal it. An OBD port lock prevents thieves from plugging into your car’s brain, so to speak. They’ll then be unable to get in your car, clone a start key or make off with your vehicle.
  5. Brake pedal lock. Much like the steering wheel lock, brake pedal locks prevent the brake pedal from being used. A heavy steel mechanism is placed around the brake or clutch pedal, holding it in place so it can’t be pushed to the floor. Even if thieves are able to start your car, they won’t be able to drive it away until the lock is removed.

If you already have some or any of these devices in use, let your Mackay Insurance broker know right away. Since you’ve added anti-theft measures to your car, you might qualify for lower rates on your auto insurance. These devices make it less likely your vehicle will be stolen, so covering it is less of a risk for insurers.

Here are a few other auto theft prevention tips.

  • Store your vehicle in a garage when not in use. While not everyone has access to a garage, those of us who do should use them for parking their car-especially at night.
  • Never leave your car keys by the front door. The closer your keys are to your car, the easier it is for thieves to use relay devices to pick up their signal. Keep your keys in your bedroom or the room that’s farthest away from the driveway.
  • Invest in security cameras. While they may not deter more brazen thieves, they will make identifying them much easier.

Again, it’s important to note that no anti-theft measure is completely foolproof. These tips and devices will, however, slow down even professional car thieves. Since these criminals need to act quickly to avoid being noticed, anti-theft devices make it more likely they’ll leave your vehicle alone.

If you want the best insurance coverage for your car, Mackay Insurance can help. We’ll make sure your car, truck and other vehicles are fully protected against everything…including thieves. If you’re using anti-theft devices, we may even be able to get you a better rate.

Click here for your free, no-obligation quote for auto insurance, and the get the coverage your vehicle needs.

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Embarking on the Road to Your First Car: A Journey of Decisions

Embarking on the Road to Your First Car: A Journey of Decisions

Owning your first car is more than a landmark; it's an exciting journey into newfound independence and mobility. Despite the excitement of selecting your wheels, the road to purchasing your first car can be fraught with twists and turns that necessitate careful navigation. Budget considerations, knowing the complexities of insurance, and evaluating the allure of new cars with the value of used ones are all important decisions. In this blog, we go on a thorough investigation, digging into the critical criteria that every first-time automobile buyer should consider. Join us as we rev up the engines and navigate the critical insights that pave the road for a confident and informed decision. This decision not only fits your lifestyle today but also tomorrow.

Things to Consider When Purchasing Your First Car

1. Useful Budgeting

Your budget covers insurance, maintenance, fuel, and unforeseen repairs in addition to the purchase price. Consider all of these expenses to ensure that your new wheels do not become a financial burden.

2. Research and Test Drive

Don't make a hasty purchase. Investigate various makes and models, considering factors like fuel efficiency, safety ratings, and reliability. Take many test drives to gain a feel for the vehicle and confirm it fulfills your requirements.

3. New versus Used

Both options have advantages and disadvantages. A new car may come with a guarantee and the most up-to-date equipment, but a used car may provide greater value for money. Make a conscious decision based on your priorities.

4. Insurance Fees

Insurance prices might vary greatly depending on the brand and model of the vehicle, your age, driving history, and region. To avoid unpleasant surprises, obtain insurance estimates before making your final decision.

5. Recognize Your Financing Options

If you are considering financing, be sure you thoroughly grasp the terms. To get the best offer, compare interest rates, loan terms, and monthly payments. Always read the fine print to avoid any surprises.

6. Inspection & Vehicle History

Obtain a vehicle history report for used cars to look for previous accidents or major repairs. Consider having a pre-purchase check from a reputable mechanic to ensure the vehicle is in good condition.

7. Fuel Efficiency & Upkeep

To estimate the car's long-term costs, consider its fuel economy. Investigate the maintenance plan as well as the costs associated with routine servicing, part replacement, and any specialized requirements.

8. Market Value

While it may not be your primary concern right now, the resale value of your automobile can have a significant impact on your finances when it comes time to update. To maximize your investment, choose a car with a high resale value.

9. The Costs of Ownership

Aside from the initial purchase, keep in mind that car ownership entails taxes, registration fees, and maintenance costs.

10. Security Features

Airbags, anti-lock braking systems (ABS), stability control, and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) should be prioritized. Your driving safety should never be jeopardized.

Owning your first car is an exciting experience, but you must go with prudence and thorough research. By taking these things into account, you can make a decision that not only matches your lifestyle but also ensures a smooth and happy journey ahead.

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Dangerous Winter Driving Ahead - Safety Up With Winter Tires!

Dangerous Winter Roads Ahead

Dangerous Winter Driving Ahead - Safety Up With Winter Tires!

Summer in Ontario has quickly transitioned into fall. And with the changing fall colours comes a multitude of weather-related risks.

Soon we’ll have falling ice, slippery walkways and dangerous driving conditions!

The beauty of the upcoming season comes with its fair share of driving risks too.

Thankfully, taking the necessary precautions reduces these risks and helps you drive safely!

At Mackay Insurance, we’re all about, 

a) Reducing your risk,

b) Lowering your auto insurance rates and

c) Increasing your safety.

Installing winter tires on your passenger vehicle achieves all three of these goals!

Winter tires increase road safety for yourself, your passengers, and other drivers. They can even lower your auto insurance premium by up to 5%!


The Importance of Winter Tires 

Ontario drivers quickly become apprehensive during the winter months. And for good reason!

After all, winter driving in Ontario is highly unpredictable. It can become dangerous - even life-threatening - in just seconds!

Severe weather changes and challenging road conditions make it impossible to know what lies ahead. 

Our team is here to help local drivers stay safe during these unpredictable months ahead.

Our number one recommendation?

Winter tires!

81% of winter tire owners believe their tires saved them from hazardous driving (i.e. loss of control).

While not mandatory, their benefits hugely outweigh their cost!

Benefits Of Installing Winter Tires:

  • Up to 30% more traction
  • Hydroplane resistance
  • Improved braking
  • Collision prevention
  • Increased control
  • Improved road safety (for you and the other drivers around you)
  • Improved driving performance
  • Lower insurance premiums

PLUS, winter tires can grip in temperatures as low as -30 degrees!


Can Winter Tires Lower Your Auto Insurance Premium?

Did you know you can get a discount on your Belleville auto insurance rate by installing winter tires?

Canada initiated this in 2017! Now, all Canadian insurance companies must offer auto insurance discounts for vehicles with winter tires.

This discount saves Canadian drivers 1-5% on their auto insurance premiums!

Does your vehicle qualify for these auto insurance discounts? Find out below!

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Eligible vehicles include private passenger vehicles - excluding antiques and classics.
  • You must install winter tires from December 1st to March 31st.
  • Your winter tires must have certification by Transport Canada and display the Alpine symbol.
  • Your vehicle must have existing auto insurance coverage.

*You may need to confirm the presence of winter tires or provide supporting documentation (i.e. a bill of sale) to validate your discount.


Your 2023 Winter Tire Guide

Never owned winter tires before? This guide can help!

1. Order your winter tires as early as possible.

At Mackay Insurance, we recommend ordering your winter tires as early as possible. The sooner, the better! 

This ensures you get your order in ahead of the rush. 

Once you get your tires, schedule their installation right away. That way you're ready for Canada’s unpredictable weather!

Remember, you’ll need to install winter tires from December 1st to March 31st to receive the discount.

2. Ensure your new winter tires have the Alpine logo.

The Alpine logo is a symbol used strictly on winter tires. It guarantees the tire meets specific snow traction performance requirements.

The symbol shows a mountain and a snowflake. It confirms the tire can grip better on ice in sub-zero weather conditions.

In other words, it guarantees your tires can take on even the worst winter conditions!

Many drivers ask us whether their all-season tires qualify for the discount. 

The answer is no, they do not.

All-season tires do not display the alpine symbol. No symbol means that they do not meet the requirements.

Snow tires actually perform 30% better than all-season tires as well. So, if you're looking for the best in safety & performance, winter tires are definitely the way to go!

3. Install all four winter tires at once.

What if you install two winter tires? Will you get the same discount?

Although installing two of the four necessary winter tires may appear to be a money-saving hack, it could actually cost you more in the long run.

To lower your auto insurance premiums, you must install all four tires. 

Four tires ensure proper all-around traction and improve your driving performance!

4. Ensure your winter tires stay in good condition.

It’s crucial to keep your winter tires in good condition - whether in use or storage!

Winter Tire Storage Tips:

  • Clean winter tires before storing them.
  • Store winter tires in a cool, dry place - protected from outdoor elements.
  • Don't let your winter tires come into contact with direct sunlight while in storage. 
  • Keep your winter tires away from solvents, fuels, lubricants, chemicals, etc.
  • Do not store winter tires under external pressure or tension (i.e. stacked under other storage items).

5. Ensure proper air pressure in your winter tires.

Ensuring proper air pressure in your tires is vital regardless of the season. But during the fluctuating weather conditions of winter, it’s especially common. Cold weather can cause tire pressure to deplete unexpectedly.

We recommend keeping a careful watch on your tire pressure throughout winter. Close monitoring helps ensure good vehicle performance in the snow. 


Before You Hit The Road!

While winter tires reduce your risk on the road, they aren’t the only variable keeping you safe.

Safe winter driving also relies on your driving skills! 

How prepared are you for winter driving? Below are a few winter driving do’s and don’ts to keep in mind.

Heading Out?

Don’t: Leave the house without taking the necessary precautions.


  • Charge your phone battery (and bring a charger along with you).
  • Pack an emergency kit (i.e. blanket, flashlight, water bottle).
  • Double-check your vehicle for a set of booster cables.
  • Fill your tank up with gas.
  • Refill your windshield wiper fluid and bring an extra jug, just in case.


Don’t: Keep your foot on the gas, fight the steering wheel or pump the brakes. These actions could cause you to lose control of your vehicle entirely - resulting in a flip!


  • Take your foot off the gas.
  • Gradually steer in the direction your car is skidding.
  • Gently apply the brakes.

Stuck in the snow?

Don’t: Spin your tires. Spinning tires only bury them deeper into the snow.

Do: Clear out the snow and ice under the tire and pour sand beneath them to improve their traction.


Contact Your Mackay Auto Insurance Brokers

For more information about our Belleville auto insurance packages, call our office!

Reach our Belleville office at 613-966-5740 or our Napanee office at 613-354-2555.

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CAA Belleville Insurance: Multi Discount Savings and 24/7 Emergency Roadside Help

Couple Calling For CAA Belleville Insurance

CAA Belleville Insurance: Multi Discount Savings and 24/7 Emergency Roadside Help

Planning a road trip? Get there safe and sound with a CAA Belleville membership!

With a CAA Belleville membership at Mackay, you can count on 24/7 roadside service any day of the year. Plus, your CAA membership is valid throughout Canada and the U.S.!

So no matter where you are, we guarantee help is on the way.

The best part?

More protection on the road means more savings for you!

As a CAA reseller, we can combine your CAA account with your Mackay home and auto insurance packages. That means when you register for CAA with us, you can qualify for multi-discount savings!

Trying to determine if CAA is a good investment for you? Keep reading!


What is a CAA Belleville Membership?

CAA (The Canadian Automobile Association) is Canada’s most reliable roadside service provider.

In fact, it’s considered one of Canada’s most trusted brands!

Established in 1913, CAA was originally an advocacy organization for travellers. But today, it has become a sought-after voice. And not just in road safety! In new vehicle technologies, the environment, mobility, and consumer rights.

When you sign up for a CAA Belleville membership, you’re guaranteed to get the help you need - wherever you are!

CAA memberships cover many services - from fuel delivery to flat tire emergencies!

CAA saves you the hassle of dealing with an unexpected roadside emergency alone. So you can enjoy the journey without the stress!


Why Should You Invest in a CAA Membership?

CAA memberships are not mandatory. But as an insurance company focused on loss prevention, protection and safety, we couldn’t recommend it more.

CAA is a valuable resource!

Knowing you have the protection of a reliable team on-call 24/7 is incomparable. It allows you to live a life full of freedom, peace of mind and confidence on the road!


5 Top Benefits of Becoming a CAA Member?

What are the benefits of becoming a CAA Belleville member? Is it worth it?

Let's discuss five of the top benefits below!

1. 24/7 Roadside Assistance

Reliable roadside assistance is one of the most well-known and appreciated CAA services.

Whether you’ve run out of gas, popped your tire or killed your battery, CAA roadside service is there to help! 

They have you covered 24/7 - no matter the season.

CAA Roadside Services Include:

  • Car battery services
  • Flat tire services
  • Fuel delivery services
  • Lockout services
  • Towing services
  • Extrication services
  • Mechanical First Aid

2. Anywhere Towing in Canada And The U.S.

Road-tripping into the States? Travelling across Canada? Commuting to work?

Whether you travel near or far, your CAA membership travels with you!

You can access our roadside services, including towing, anywhere in the U.S. and Canada!

3. Protection in ANY vehicle

Your CAA Membership follows YOU. Not your license plate.

So regardless of what vehicle you’re in, CAA has you covered (as long as the vehicle is eligible) - whether that’s your vehicle or somebody else’s!

As long as you have a CAA membership, help is on the way.

4. Trip Accident and Interruption Assistance

Trip accident and interruption assistance ensure you’re never left stranded!

If your vehicle becomes disabled for 24 hours or more, and you are 160 or more km from home, you may qualify for certain reimbursements!

The reimbursement you're entitled to depend on your membership level, but it can be up to $600.

Trip accident and interruption assistance can cover one of the following:

  • Restaurant meals
  • Accommodation
  • Car rentals
  • Commercial Transportation

5. Two-Day Complimentary Rental Car

What if your vehicle gets towed away? You have to get to work tomorrow somehow!

You get two free car rental days each year with a CAA Premier membership plan.

Don’t worry about finding a ride again. CAA’s got you covered!

Note: Only Premier members have access to this complimentary benefit.


How To Get Help On The Road

If you have a membership, how do you use it? We explain the steps of using your CAA membership below!

But first…

Is Your Vehicle Eligible For Roadside Assistance?

As mentioned above, your membership follows you, not your car. So as long as you are in an eligible vehicle, you should qualify for your specific plan’s benefits!

Eligible Vehicles Include:

Note: some of these vehicles may require specific CAA membership plans (i.e. CAA Premier RV). Not all benefits apply to all vehicles (i.e. Bike Assist).

Ineligible Vehicles Include:

  • Limousines
  • Taxis/Ubers/Lyft vehicles
  • Vehicles equipped with storage for hazardous materials
  • Minibuses
  • Racing cars/demolition cars
  • Tractors
  • Snowmobiles
  • Two-seater UTVs

Requesting Roadside Assistance

CAA has over 35,000 road service vehicles throughout Canada and the U.S. So no matter where you are, they can get to you!

Here’s how to request roadside service:

First, get prepared.

The first step in requesting roadside service is to ensure you have all the information you need before calling.

As soon as you request service, you’ll need to provide the following information:

  • Your membership number and expiry date.
  • Your name and address.
  • The location of the disabled vehicle.
  • The vehicle's make, model, year, colour and licence number.
  • The problem with your vehicle.
  • A phone number where they can contact you.

*To receive service, you must remain at or near your vehicle. CAA will accommodate you in extenuating circumstances.

*If you have an animal with you, You must let your provider know.

Next, contact CAA.

There are four ways to contact CAA for roadside assistance:

  1. The CAA App
  2. Call: 1-800-222-HELP (1-800-222-4357)
  3. Text "RESCUE" to 222247
  4. Request Service Online

Lastly, track your service!

Once you’ve requested service, you can start tracking their arrival using The CAA Service Tracker.


Why Sign Up For a CAA Membership Through Mackay Insurance?

As mentioned above, Mackay Insurance is a registered CAA reseller.

When you sign up for a CAA Belleville membership through us, we can link it to our account. This can qualify you for exciting multi-discount saving opportunities!

Planning on becoming a member? Don’t forget to use the registration link on this page and contact us to combine your CAA account with your Mackay home and auto insurance.


Wherever You Go, We’re There For You!

Our mission at Mackay Insurance is to keep you and your family safe and well-protected. What better way to do that than to ensure you have the help you need right when you need it?

Register for your CAA membership through Mackay Insurance today and let our team save you time, money and stress. So you can enjoy the journey!

Contact our Belleville office at 613-966-5740 or our Napanee office at 613-354-2555.

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Why Classic Car Insurance Is Important All Year Round

Driving Safely With Classic Car Insurance

Why Classic Car Insurance Is Important All Year Round

Do you need classic car insurance, even during the off-season?

In one of our recent blog posts, we discussed the importance of keeping your boat insured over the winter months. And how, even though it’s tempting to cancel that insurance, we actually recommend keeping it!

In this article, we’re answering the same question, but about your classic car.

As a collector car owner, you know how fragile and treasured your vehicle is. It wasn’t built for Canada’s cold temperatures or rough terrain. And it was definitely not designed to withstand heavy snowfall.

That’s why most vintage car owners keep their vehicles indoors over the winter month. They store them safely away in a shed, garage or vehicle storage facility. And they won’t operate the vehicle again until late spring or early summer,

That is simply the nature of owning a classic car.

Why then is it necessary to ensure your car during the off-season?

If you’re not planning on taking it out for a spin in the snow, wouldn’t it be cheaper to cancel its insurance temporarily?

In most cases, no.

Classic car insurance is not meant to be a temporary solution. It’s a year-round commitment meant to keep your vehicle protected - whether it’s driven or not.


What Does Classic Car Insurance Coverage Include?

Classic car insurance is a specific type of auto insurance. It’s designed to protect antique or classic cars, rather than your everyday-use vehicle.

Classic car insurance is similar to traditional auto insurance in some aspects. However, it offers a more specialized approach to vehicle protection as well.

Some of the similar coverages that you’ll find in both traditional and collector car insurance include:

  • Collision
  • Comprehensive
  • Property Damage
  • Bodily Injury Liability

The unique aspect of collector car insurance is the specialized coverage it offers for reimbursements, repairs and restoration.

This is where Agreed Value and Spare Parts Coverage comes in!

Agreed Value Coverage

Agreed Value coverage promises the agreed-upon value in the event of theft or damage. This value does not depreciate over time, as does Stated Value coverage.

This ensures you get the full, agreed-upon worth of your vehicle.

Spare Parts Coverage

Because your collector car is so unique, finding part replacements is costly. Spare Parts coverage helps pay for these expensive classic car parts and engine components. So you’re not left shouldering hefty restoration costs on your own!


4 Reasons To Keep Your Classic Car Insurance Over The Winter

You now understand classic car insurance and how it uniquely protects your vintage car. But do you know why you should keep that insurance over the winter?

A lot of car collectors think that pausing their car insurance plan over the winter is smarter and cheaper.

After all, they’re not using the car anyway, so why should they protect it?

But we’re here to tell you why keeping that insurance package is so important. And how it can actually save you money in the long run!

Below are four reasons to keep your classic car insurance over the winter:

1. Your antique vehicle can still become damaged while in storage.

You don’t have to drive your antique car to risk damaging it. Even tucked away in a storage facility, it still has a chance of becoming damaged.

Another vehicle could roll into it. Or even a beam from the ceiling could fall on top of it!

Accidents happen - whether you’re on the road or not. And without the proper insurance, the costly repairs would be yours alone to pay for.

Classic car insurance helps prevent the financial repercussions of these potential damages.

2. Someone can steal your antique vehicle while it is in storage.

Your vintage car is your prized possession. And after putting so much work and money into their restoration, you've probably become extremely protective of it. And for good reason!

Collector cars are rare and valuable. They’re definitely not something you can carelessly leave idling in your driveway or in an unlocked garage.

In minutes, they can get snatched up and resold - either as a whole or for parts. Which is why you are constantly reminded to,

  • Lock your garage.
  • Cover your vehicle.
  • Never leave your car idling unsupervised.
  • Never leave the keys in the ignition.

And while classic car insurance won’t prevent theft, it will prevent financial devastation if theft does occur.

3. Your vehicle is always vulnerable to fires, flooding and other natural disasters.

Whether you’ve securely stored your vehicle on your property or within a storage facility, there is still a safety risk. 

Your antique vehicle is still vulnerable to fires, floods and other natural disasters. And no matter how many precautions you took in keeping the vehicle safe and away from harm’s way, that risk remains.

The only way to truly protect it is with collector car insurance!

Agreed Value and Spare Parts Coverages safeguard your investment - even in the event of an unforeseen catastrophe!

4. You could experience a penalty for cancelling your insurance plan.

Another reason you should not cancel your insurance for the winter season is to avoid mid-policy cancellation fines.

Most insurance companies offer year-long policies. And if you decide to cancel the insurance for a season, you expose yourself to further financial risk.

Even beyond the risk of financial loss is the effect this cancellation can have on your insurance history. A gap period between insurance plans isn’t something insurance companies like to see. And you could experience higher premiums because of it!

To avoid this penalty and loss of trust from your insurance company, we always recommend keeping your insurance policy until the end of the designated term.


Your Classic Car Is Too Precious Not To Protect!

At Mackay Insurance, safeguarding your investments is what we do. And your classic car holds too much value to not be thoroughly protected.

To learn more about our classic car insurance package, contact our office! 
You can reach our Belleville office at 613-966-5740 or our Napanee office at 613-354-2555. And don’t forget to ask about our free, no-obligation collector car insurance quotes!

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Get The Best Belleville Auto Insurance Coverage For Your Needs

Get The Coverage You Need With Belleville Auto Insurance From Mackay!

Get The Best Belleville Auto Insurance Coverage For Your Needs

The right auto insurance policy protects you, your family, your community and your investments. Do you know what coverages are included in your Belleville auto insurance policy?

Having the right insurance coverage is crucial for a vehicle owner. After all, you never know what might happen on the road. And without the proper coverage, you could experience:

a) Costly fines,

b) A license suspension or

c) An impounded vehicle!

Not something you want to risk on your morning commute or long-awaited summer road trip,

That’s why our Mackay Insurance brokers always ensure you have the right coverage for your unique needs. So you’re always prepared - no matter what lies ahead!

Keep reading to explore your auto insurance options!


How Does Auto Insurance Work in Ontario?

Auto insurance is compulsory in all Canadian provinces and territories. So you must have auto insurance on your registered vehicle to legally drive it on the road.

Without it, your insurance company could see you as a high-risk driver and raise your insurance premiums. They could even outright refuse to insure you at all!

Other consequences of not having valid auto insurance include a fine - ranging from $5,000 to $50,000 - or vehicle impoundment.

Thankfully, with a valid policy and the right coverage, you don’t have to worry about these complications.

A valid auto insurance policy can cover the driver, all passengers and any other people involved in the event of a car crash.


Factors That Affect Your Auto Insurance Policy

During the initial calculation, your insurance company will ask basic questions, including:

  • Your age.
  • Your gender.
  • Where you live.
  • The car you drive.
  • Your driving record.
  • Your claim history.
  • The type of coverage you choose.
  • The amount of your deductible.

But your insurance company also requires updated information about your car to keep your policy valid.

This re-evaluation ensures your policy stays up-to-date with the correct coverages.

Below are some of the questions your insurance company may ask when calculating or re-evaluating your insurance premiums:

How often do you drive your car annually?

The more kilometres you travel, the higher your risk for an accident.

What do you use your car for regularly?

Your insurance company needs to know whether you use your vehicle regularly. Do you use your vehicle as a commuter car daily? Or do you use it as a “pleasure vehicle”?

Have your driving habits changed? Are you commuting less or working from home?

In light of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, insurance companies know that many offices have allowed their employees to continue working from home. If this is the case, they may be able to reduce your insurance premiums.

Who is the primary driver of the vehicle? And who would you like listed as additional drivers?

The primary driver is the main driver - the one using the car most often. Your insurance company must know who this primary driver is and any additional drivers in your household that may get behind the wheel. Their driving records could affect your insurance premium as well.


What Coverages Does Your Auto Insurance Policy Include?

The right coverage is crucial for Canadian drivers. But not all are legally mandated. Lots of them are optional!

Let’s explore which auto insurance coverages are necessary, which are additional and which are optional below:

Mandatory Insurance Coverages:


Liability insurance covers any losses your vehicle causes, such as injury, death or damage to another vehicle.

It does not, however, cover repair costs for your car.

Accident Benefits

Accident benefits cover your medical expenses and loss of income after a car accident.

You must review options to increase accident benefits coverage.  Don’t be underinsured!

Direct Compensation - Property Damage (DC-PD)

DC-PD insurance covers vehicle repair expenses after an accident - whether you are at fault or not.

Additional Coverages:


Collision insurance covers your vehicle repair or replacement costs if involved in an accident. It is not usually mandatory in most provinces, but we recommend it in most cases.

Many people choose to add collision onto their existing policy to safeguard their vehicle investment. But once the value of their vehicle starts to decline, it’s common to remove collision insurance from your policy.

Today, the value of vehicles is not currently decreasing. So many vehicle owners are actually choosing to keep collision coverage on much longer.


Comprehensive insurance also covers repair or replacement costs. However, not those relating to an accident. This coverage protects you from other types of damages or loss, including theft, vandalism, or windshield damage.

Optional Coverages:

Loss of Use

Loss of use insurance covers the cost of a rental vehicle while your damaged vehicle is being repaired/replaced. Most insurance providers offer loss of use coverage with a limit of $1500.

This coverage can be very beneficial, as it gives you a rental vehicle to use while you wait for your own to get fixed. Today, however, many repair shops are experiencing long delays for parts and repairs due to supply chain issues. For this reason, $1500 limit will likely not be enough coverage to pay for rental car coverage. Consider increasing this limit! 

Accident Forgiveness

Accident forgiveness protects your premium after your first at-fault accident. After your first accident, your insurance company usually raises your auto insurance premium and considers you a high-risk driver. But with accident forgiveness coverage, your insurance company will essentially “forgive and forget” so your premium doesn’t increase.

This insurance is only relevant for drivers without at-fault accidents on their record. And specific limits and regulations surrounding it that you will need to discuss with your provider.

Emergency Road-Side Assistance

Emergency roadside assistance insurance ensures you have the help you need on the road, no matter where you are in Canada. Our CAA Insurance at Mackay is even valid in the U.S! So whether you’re commuting to work or road-tripping across Canada, you’ll always have the help you need.


Depreciation insurance protects your brand new vehicle from losing value over a certain amount of time. This coverage takes effect during the reimbursement of your lost or damaged car.

It will cover you for either the listed vehicle purchase price, the manufacturer’s suggested retail price or the cost of the vehicle today.


What does your Auto Insurance Policy NOT Include?

It’s important to note that most auto insurance companies do not protect against loss or damage of an accident involving any of the following:

  • Ride sharing
  • UBER
  • Skip The Dishes
  • Pizza Delivery

Most insurance companies also do not offer coverage for the loss of personal possessions. So in the event that someone steals something from your trunk, you’ll have to check your home insurance policy for reimbursement options.


Get a Free Quote On Belleville Auto Insurance at Mackay

Are you shopping for the best Belleville auto insurance?

Are you trying to lower your premiums?

Are you purchasing your first vehicle?

At Mackay, our brokers ensure your Belleville auto insurance has all the coverage you need! We even offer policies for:

Give your Mackay Insurance broker a call! We offer affordable insurance plans that cover all your unique needs. You can reach our Belleville office at 613-966-5740 or our Napanee office at 613-354-2555.

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The Right Insurance Coverage For The Perfect Cross Canada Road Trip

Discover the insurance coverage you need for out-of-province travel with Mackay Insurance.

The Right Insurance Coverage For The Perfect Cross Canada Road Trip

You’ve got it all packed! The suitcases, the kids’ snacks, the dog… but do you have the right insurance coverage for a cross Canada road trip?

With summer just around the corner, everyone is busy planning their family getaways, camping trips and vacations. They’re packing up their travel trailers, booking their plane tickets and drawing wobbly marker lines on big paper maps - searching for their next adventure! 

And while some adventures take you OUT of the country, and some take you deeper INTO the country, others take you elsewhere…

ACROSS the country!

Are you planning a Canadian expedition with your family this summer? Whether you're headed East or West, road-tripping across Canada is an experience you’ll never forget!

But do you have the right insurance coverage for out-of-province travel? 

Keep reading to find out! 


What Insurance Coverage Do You Need To Travel Out-of-Province?

While exploring Ontario can be an incredible experience, why not venture out a little? See what the rest of Canada has to offer! After all, the coastal shores of Prince Edward Island and the snow-topped mountains of British Columbia are waiting!

At Mackay Insurance, we understand that familiar call of the wild. We're excited to help you and your family venture out into the great outdoors and explore all that this beautiful country has to offer.

So, before you pack your bags and start trekking, let’s go over the insurance coverages you need when travelling out of the province. 

Auto Insurance 

In Ontario, every registered vehicle is required by law to have Auto Insurance coverage. In fact, if a driver does not have Auto Insurance, they can receive a fine of at least $5,000! 

In the event of an accident, what does Ontario Auto Insurance coverage protect?

  • The driver of the vehicle 
  • All passengers involved in the accident. 
  • All pedestrians involved in the accident.
  • Any damaged property caused by the accident.
  • Any vehicle damage caused by the accident. 

This insurance coverage will provide liability coverage for accidents where you are at fault or partially at fault. And it will also provide you with Accidents Benefits, which are available regardless of whether you are at fault.

No-Fault Benefits For Ontario Drivers:

  • Caregiver Services 
  • Income Replacement 
  • Rehabilitation 
  • Medical Expenses 
  • Attendant Care 
  • Death and Funeral Costs 

So what happens when you travel outside of Ontario? Do you need to buy temporary Auto Insurance for an out of province trip? 

Thankfully, you do not!

One of the most convenient aspects of your auto insurance policy is that it goes where you go (to an extent). 

Are you travelling out West - Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia or Manitoba? East to Quebec, P.E.I., Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador or New Brunswick? Your Ontario Auto Insurance Policy will travel with you, no matter where you venture. But it does have its limits! 

Your Ontario auto insurance policy is valid in all Canadian provinces and throughout the United States. But it is not international. If, for example, you wanted to drive to Mexico, your Ontario auto insurance would no longer be valid there. 

Get a Free Quote On Auto Insurance

CAA Insurance

Imagine this: 

You’re taking a road trip out to Alberta from Ontario. It’s a beautiful day, your car is full of gas and everyone is settling in for the long haul. 

But then your engine unexpectedly cuts out. 

What happens now? Are you stranded?

Not as long as you have CAA Insurance! 

Your CAA membership ensures you have the roadside help you need no matter where you are in Canada. It's even valid in the US! 

Plus, when you buy CAA Insurance through Mackay and combine your CAA account with your Mackay Home and Auto Insurance, you could qualify for multi-discount savings!

So while CAA Insurance is not mandatory - we would highly recommend looking into it before you begin travelling this summer. 

Register For CAA Insurance

Trailer Insurance

Nobody wants their vacation interrupted by loss, theft or vandalism. And the last thing you want to worry about while travelling in another province is whether your trailer has the right insurance coverage.

That’s why your Mackay Insurance broker always recommends adding Travel Trailer Insurance to your existing Auto Insurance policy. This additional coverage protects: 

  • The travel trailer itself from theft, damage, collision, loss etc. 
  • The contents of your trailer. (Limited on policy but extend from Home Policy)
  • Loss of use of your trailer in the event of theft, damage or destruction. 

While Travel Trailer Insurance is not legally required, it does give you immense peace of mind and protection. Especially when you’re in unfamiliar territory! 

Learn more about Travel Trailer Insurance and how it protects your home away from home in our recent blog post! 

Get a Free Quote on Trailer Insurance

Travel Insurance 

Now that you have insured your vehicle and trailer and have roadside assistance at the ready, it’s time to sort out your Travel Insurance. 

Travel Insurance offers specific health insurance coverages that could become detrimental during an out-of-province trip.

If you get sick or injured while out of Ontario, your Travel Insurance provides coverage for:

  • Emergency Medical Transportation 
  • Diagnostic Tests 
  • Prescription Medications
  • Emergency Oral Health Care 
  • And More!

Interested? Call 1-800-491-0851 and type in agent 7062. 


Mackay Insurance Makes Sure You Have The Right Coverage For Your Next Trip!

Planning an out-of-province trip, whether by yourself, with friends or family, is an incredible experience. And whether you choose to travel East or West, you’re guaranteed to have an adventure you’ll never forget!

Get the right insurance coverage for your cross-Canada trip with Mackay Insurance! Our job is to make sure the memories you make on this trip are good ones - not stressful ones. 

To learn more about the above insurance coverages, give us a call! You can reach our Belleville office at 613-966-5740 and our Napanee office at 613-354-2555.

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Travel Trailer Insurance Protects Your Home Away From Home

Mackay Insurance in Belleville and Napanee, Ontario, offer travel trailer insurance coverage for all your vacation vehicle needs.

Travel Trailer Insurance Protects Your Home Away From Home

Travel trailers come in all shapes and sizes today. Luckily, so does travel trailer insurance. 

And mobile home insurance. 

And RV insurance. 

And seasonal vehicle insurance!

Sometimes, you just need to get away from it all. To find some peace and calm. To remember why you are working so hard - hustling, skimping on sleep, racing through your weekdays and even your weekends.

The last thing you want is to finally start your long-delayed vacation only to have it interrupted by loss, theft, vandalism or worse. That is what insurance is for!

And that is what this blog post is for too - to help you choose the right insurance for your best vacation yet!


What Is Travel Trailer Insurance?

Travel trailer insurance is a specialized insurance product designed to protect three types of year-round or occasional use vehicles.

1. Motorhome

Travel trailer insurance covers Class A, B and C motorhomes.

2. Towed trailer

Examples of towed trailers can include:

  • Pod or tent trailers

  • Travel trailers

  • Hardtop trailers

  • Livestock or horse trailer

  • Trailers

  • Toy haulers

  • Campers 

  • End even fifth wheels.

3. Stationary trailer

A stationary trailer can be a park model or another permanently parked trailer.


What Does Travel Trailer Insurance Cover?

As you might imagine, there are different levels of travel trailer insurance coverage.

But the product itself is designed to offer protection in three key areas:

1. The travel trailer itself.

The structure of the trailer is covered against loss, theft, damage, vandalism accident or collision.

2. The contents.

Here, "contents" means anything you have stored in or on the travel trailer itself.

Depending on the scope of the coverage, this might mean anything from your clothing and personal items to appliances inside the travel trailer, to frozen food, perishables and more.

Contents can also mean any belongings stored inside a standalone accessory building or storage unit.

3. Loss of use.

If your travel trailer is lost, stolen, damaged, destroyed or otherwise rendered unusable, your travel trailer insurance will provide you with a substitute vehicle or funds you can use towards your choice of transportation.


But Won't My Auto Insurance Policy Cover Me For All This?

This is the tricky part about relying on your existing auto insurance policy to cover your travel trailer as well.

Here in Canada, you are legally required to register your travel trailer, motorhome or stationary trailer. But you are not (at least at the time of publication) required to insure it.

So why purchase a travel trailer insurance policy - especially if you already have a regular auto insurance policy?

For one simple reason: typically, only the liability portion of auto insurance extends to cover the travel trailer as well. And this coverage only applies if the travel trailer is actually hitched to a covered automobile at the time the claim issue arises.

That leaves a lot of in-between where your travel trailer is not protected at all.


Coverage That You Only Get With Travel Trailer Insurance

It becomes especially critical to look beyond what a standard auto insurance policy can provide when you are using your travel trailer in certain ways.

Lease Location Protection

For example, let's say you decide to lease a semi-permanent or permanent campsite at an RV park or campground where you park your stationary travel trailer.

Here, it is very important to read the fine print in your homeowners and auto insurance policies before you assume your travel trailer is covered at a leased location.

Fire Damage Service Charges

Or perhaps your travel trailer is damaged or destroyed by fire and the fire department gets involved. Neither your homeowner nor auto insurance policy typically covers fire department assistance charges, which can range up to $1,000 or more.

Vacation Injury Liability

Another all-too-common situation arises when someone gets injured at the vacation site. Who pays for the costs of first aid, clinic or hospital charges for injuries that take place at a temporary vacation site where your travel trailer is parked?

It won't be your auto insurance policy or homeowners insurance policy, that's for sure!


What Other Optional Coverages Are Available for Your Travel Trailer?

Sometimes it just takes sitting down and thinking through possible situations and scenarios to start seeing where travel trailer insurance makes smart financial sense.

In addition to a standard basic travel trailer insurance policy, you can also talk with your Mackay Insurance broker about these optional coverages that may apply.

  • Protection against water damage.
  • Additional roadside assistance coverage and benefits.
  • Coverage if you park your travel trailer on a leased site.
  • Coverage if you rent your travel trailer out or are part of a rental share program.
  • Increased coverage for liability.
  • Guaranteed replacement cost for personal items.
  • Guaranteed replacement cost.

This last optional rider is especially important to consider upfront. Should your travel trailer be destroyed, will you have sufficient coverage to replace it in kind?


Choose Your Travel Trailer Insurance Before Purchasing Your Travel Trailer

You don't want to invest in a travel trailer only to discover the insurance coverage you need puts you over budget.

Our knowledgeable Mackay Insurance brokers are happy to provide you with a free no-obligation quote on travel trailer insurance for different makes and models of travel trailers.


Mackay In Napanee and Belleville Handles Your Travel Trailer Insurance Needs

Do you have fun travel plans for this summer? Canada's summer season is brief and beautiful and you don't want to waste it filing insurance claims!

Not sure what insurance products and coverage levels you really need? Let your friendly Mackay Insurance broker help you review your current coverage to protect your seasonal vehicle! 

Learn more about RV insurance, travel trailer insurance and mobile home insurance from the experts!

Visit us online for a free travel trailer insurance quote or give us a call at 888-853-5552.

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When Is It Time to Shop Around for a New Auto Insurance Quote?

Mackay Insurance in Belleville, Ontario, helps Ontario drivers find affordable auto insurance coverage in 2022.

When Is It Time to Shop Around for a New Auto Insurance Quote?

If you own a vehicle, auto insurance in Belleville, or anywhere in Ontario, is not optional. Paying for car insurance is just the cost of being able to drive ourselves around.

But buying car insurance is not very satisfying. It is not one of those purchases we look forward to or talk much about.

And auto insurance coverage certainly isn't an expense we want to over-indulge in!

Every year, drivers all across Canada decide to make the switch to a new auto insurer. Is this your year? Find out now!


How Much Auto Insurance Coverage Is Required in Ontario Canada?

Before you can decide whether you are paying too much for your car insurance, you need to find out about the current Ontario minimums for auto insurance.

The current mandatory minimum for Ontario is $200,000 of third party liability coverage per single accident, but that is far too low.  

At minimum  you should have 1,000,000, but we highly recommend 2,000,000

Third party liability coverage protects you in the event you are involved in an accident where someone else is hurt or killed or their property is damaged or destroyed.

It also covers you in the case you are sued, whether you lose and have to pay out or you opt to settle out of court.

All Ontario drivers are also required to carry these coverages:

  • Statutory accidents coverage provides you with medical and rehabilitative benefits if you are injured in an accident.
  • DC-PD (Direct Compensation, Property Damage) coverage pays to repair your vehicle if it is damaged by another insured driver.
  • Uninsured motorist coverage pays to repair your vehicle if an uninsured motorist hits you. This coverage also compensates your loved ones if you are killed by an uninsured driver or a hit-and-run incident.


Why Do You Need Auto Insurance Coverage?

So what is stopping you from simply dropping your Belleville auto insurance policy altogether?

In a word....fines. Any Ontario driver caught driving without proof of required minimum auto insurance may be assessed fines up to $50,000 per incident!

Aren't Auto Insurance Rates Regulated in Ontario Canada?

The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) has the unenviable task of reviewing and regulating auto insurance rates for all providers licensed to offer auto insurance in the province.

But this does not mean that all auto insurance companies are required to provide the same product for the same exact price.

Each auto insurance provider has some wiggle room within which to propose premium rate changes to the FSRA.

Insurers may request to increase their rates based on inflation, overhead, prior claims payouts, interest rates and the need to make a certain level of profit.

This means it is very important to research the longevity and overall financial health of your auto insurer.

For example, if your current or prospective auto insurance provider has had an unprofitable year or a huge recent claims payout, you can potentially expect to see your premiums go up even if you have maintained a perfect driving record.

When Is It Time to Change Auto Insurance Companies?

According to the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA), the average Ontario-area adult driver pays around $1,651 per year in auto insurance premiums.

If you pay less than the average and are happy with your coverage and provider, you may not have any need to shop around for new auto insurance.

But if you are paying more than the average and are carrying only the mandatory minimum in auto insurance, you should definitely start gathering new auto insurance quotes.

And if you are paying at or above the Ontario average and do not feel satisfied with your coverage or insurer, it is a good idea to take some time to shop around for new coverage.


Warning Signs You Are Paying Too Much for Ontario Auto Insurance Coverage:

1. Your premiums keep increasing and your driver record is squeaky clean.

Make no mistake - your clean driver record is a moneymaker for your auto insurance provider. You should absolutely expect to be rewarded for not costing your provider money!

2. Your rates didn't go down during the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC), up to 95 percent of auto insurers chose to drop their rates during the global pandemic.

If your insurer abstained, this may be a sign it is time to switch providers.

3. Your insurer is not offering you any incentives to stay with their company.

Auto insurance is one of the most competitive industries in the nation. Customers switch providers every single day.

If your insurer is not fighting hard to keep you, perhaps it is time to find a provider who will.

4. You are nearing your policy renewal date and haven't shopped around for the past five years.

Current industry averages indicate the typical motorist switches auto insurance providers about once every five years.

If you have held your policy for four years or more, it might be refreshing to do some shopping and see what other auto insurance companies have to offer.

5. You are unhappy with the customer service or perks provided by your current insurer.

An auto Insurance broker knows that shopping around for new car insurance isn't fun.

And while all Ontario insurance companies have some leeway to set their own auto insurance coverage rates, this isn't the arena where loyal customers are won or lost.

Real customer loyalty is built on exceptional customer service and great perks. You should be getting both from your current insurer. If you are not, it is time to start shopping for a new provider.


Contact Your Napanee and Belleville Auto Insurance Policy Experts! 

Did you know you can switch insurance providers without having to switch your auto insurance broker?

Our friendly, knowledgeable Mackay Insurance brokers are committed to helping you get the most auto insurance coverage - affordably! If you are not happy with your current auto insurance rates, give us a call! We’re happy to provide you with a new auto insurance quote that fits your coverage needs best.

Reach out online or by phone at 888-853-5552.

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8 Timely Auto Insurance Discounts to Help You Save This Winter

Mackay Insurance educates winter drivers on available Belleville Auto Insurance discounts to help them save on their premiums this season.

8 Timely Auto Insurance Discounts to Help You Save This Winter

Our Canadian winters can be harsh and hazardous even off the roadways. On the road, you want to be sure you are well protected in every way - including having a sensible and suitable auto insurance policy.

But you don't want to overpay for your Ontario car insurance, either, especially in winter when your driving habits and patterns are likely to change.

You also don't want to miss out on valuable Canada auto insurance discounts that are only available during the winter season.

By reading this article, you can make sure you have the right type and level of auto insurance coverage. You can also make sure you are taking advantage of all available auto insurance discounts!

Looking for Belleville auto insurance? Contact our car insurance experts at Mackay for a FREE online insurance quote!


Save On Auto Insurance: Seasonal Vehicle Versus Annual Vehicle

Looking for cheap auto insurance coverage?

When your goal is to save the most money on your car insurance, the first consideration is always going to be how you use each vehicle you own.

For example, many drivers here in Ontario have seasonal vehicles such as RVs, collector cars, convertible cars, motorcycles, snowmobiles or other off-road vehicles.

In some cases, a seasonal vehicle may only come out of storage for the winter season. In other cases, a seasonal vehicle may only come out of storage after winter ends.

Either way, it is important to understand the difference so you don't pay for more auto insurance than you actually need.

You have a few options to insure a seasonal vehicle affordably:

  1. Pause your auto insurance during the storage period.
  2. Keep your policy active but for comprehensive only.
  3. Keep your full policy active through the storage period.
  4. Many seasonal vehicles like Motorcycles, Snowmobiles, RV’s & Boats have prices and premiums earned during their driving seasons. So, to suspend coverage on a motorcycle from November to March, will not get you any savings.

Where and how you garage your seasonal vehicle can influence which option is safest as well as most economical for you.  Many people believe that if you store a vehicle in the garage, if there is a fire, it’s the garage insurance that will cover the loss. This is not true.

The key is to consider what you would do if winter storms, theft, vandalism or worse damaged or destroyed your seasonal vehicle. Could you cope financially with less or no auto insurance?

Your Mackay broker can help you consider each option and make the best decision for your budget and safety concerns. Contact our brokers today for your Belleville auto insurance quote!


8 Auto Insurance Discounts to Trim Your Policy Premium

Whether you have a seasonal or year-round vehicle to insure, be sure to ask about these car insurance discounts in order to avoid paying more for auto insurance than you should.

1. Winter Tires Discount

Equipping your vehicle with winter tires can save you up to five percent on your auto insurance.

To be eligible, your vehicle must have winter tires installed during the period of November 1st through April 1st.

2. Multiple Policy Discount

While most drivers are familiar with multiple policy discounts, far fewer actually get organized enough to harness the available benefits.

Do you have several different insurance providers for your home, car, valuables and/or life insurance?

Consolidating your policies under a single insurance provider could save you up to 15 percent on the total cost of your annual premiums - across all of your policies!

But you save more than money when you bundle. You also get the benefits of streamlining policy renewals, address and information updates and overall insurance management tasks.

3. Telemetrics Discount

Telemetrics, or driver monitoring via GPS, has become popular in the auto insurance industry.

If you are willing to install and use a GPS monitoring device while you are driving, you could potentially save up to 25 percent on your annual auto insurance premiums.

There is a catch, however.

You need to be committed to driving safely!

You can expect a telemetrics device to monitor your braking, acceleration and night driving (midnight to 4am). The safer you are behind the wheel, the more you can potentially save.

4. Clear Driving Record Discount

When you think about your car insurance policy from your insurer's perspective, nothing says "discount" like a clear driving record.

Frequently, zero accident discounts are bundled together with customer loyalty programs that reward you for two high-value actions: staying with the provider longer and staying out of trouble on the road.

5. Mature Driver Discount

You may be eligible for a mature driver auto insurance discount as early as age 50 depending on your provider. In some cases this may be tied to when you retire rather than to your chronological age, so be sure to ask your insurer.

Of course, your driving record will remain the primary focus for whether this discount is available to you.

6. Limited Driving Discount

Do you only drive during certain days of the week or certain hours of the day? Or does someone else on your family policy, such as a young driver or senior driver, meet these criteria?

When it comes to insurance algorithms, the less time you spend on the road, the less risk your insurer bears for issuing you a policy.

Your limited driving premium discount can vary depending on when and how often you are on the road. Be sure to talk with your Mackay broker to determine the best coverage needs for your specific situation.

7. Garaging Discount

Similar to the amount of road time you log, the type of garaging you use for your vehicle can influence the risk an insurer takes on when issuing you a policy.

Off-street, covered, locked and monitored garaging may rate a discount on your policy premium, but you will likely need to ask to get it.

8. Young Drivers Discount

If your young driver completes the Young Drivers of Canada safety program and maintains a clear driving record, this could trim up to 10 percent off their policy premium.


Choose Mackay In Napanee and Belleville for Your Auto Insurance Needs

Here at Mackay Insurance, we have a reputation for helping our clients get more car insurance coverage for less.

Looking for a cheap auto insurance quote? Our quote generator provides a free online insurance quote!

Have questions about auto insurance benefits? Your friendly, experienced Mackay broker is happy to help!
Visit us online or give us a call at 888-853-5552.

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How to Find Affordable High Risk Auto Insurance in Ontario

Mackay Insurance provides affordable high risk auto insurance in Quinte, Ontario.

How to Find Affordable High Risk Auto Insurance in Ontario

Let’s be honest...purchasing auto insurance is no fun. And purchasing high risk auto insurance can be downright scary.

If you thought regular auto insurance was expensive, wait until you start gathering quotes for high risk auto insurance!

But there are ways to keep high risk insurance premium payments affordable. You may have to do a little more research and have a little more patience. But it can be done!

Read on to learn how to find affordable insurance in Ontario.


Common Reasons Drivers Get Classified As High Risk for Auto Insurance

Yes, it is true that unsafe driving can get you recategorized as a high risk driver.

But you can be a safe and careful driver and still end up being classified as high risk for auto insurance purposes.

These are the most common reasons your insurer may reclassify you as a non-standard or high risk driver for insurance purposes.

  • You got too many tickets in too short a time period.
  • You were caught driving under the influence (DUI).
  • You have been cited as being at fault for one or more serious auto accidents.
  • You cancelled your policy multiple times.
  • You let your auto insurance policy lapse.
  • You failed to pay your policy premiums on time.
  • You were cited for careless driving or stunt driving.

Why are the reasons for being considered a high risk driver so varied? The reason boils down to the word "risk."

Auto insurers don't want to lose money. And they lose money in two primary ways.

The first is when drivers don't pay their premiums. The second is when drivers exhibit poor driving habits that could lead to expensive accident-related claim payouts.

Insurers use complex algorithms to rank you on the spectrum from low risk to high risk. But in each of the reasons cited above, it doesn't require an algorithm to figure out if you are a higher risk client to insure.

If you have any of the red flags listed above, or similar others, your insurer may simply refuse to insure you altogether. Or your insurer may only offer you a non-standard or high risk auto insurance policy.


How Expensive Is High Risk Auto Insurance in Ontario?

For general purposes, you can take your current (or recent past) auto insurance premium payment and double or triple that. This is the range you will typically pay to get insurance once you have been classified as a high risk driver.

I've Never Been Insured, But I'm Being Told I'm High Risk! Why?

Auto insurers rely greatly on historical data to build that risk-calculating algorithm we mentioned earlier.

But what if you are a new driver? What if you haven't driven for many years and have no insurance history to speak of?

These are two instances where you may also find yourself red-flagged as a high risk driver. This isn't because you are more likely to cause accidents or claims payouts.

It is because there is not enough data to tell how you are likely to drive and how expensive you are likely to be to insure.

Once you have built up a solid driver history, which can take up to 36 months, your rates will typically adjust downwards as long as you don't have any claims on your record.


Tips to Find Affordable Insurance For High Risk Drivers

Finding high risk auto insurance that is also affordable is a matter of adjusting your expectations in a realistic direction.

For those first two to three years, there is no getting around it - you will have to budget more for auto insurance premiums.

But here are some high-value negotiating tips that can help you to control the costs of staying insured as a high-risk driver.

1. Bundle your auto insurance together with your other insurance policies.

Even high risk drivers can get some valuable discounts of up to 10 percent by bundling multiple insurance policies together with a single insurer.

2. Pay your policy in full annually.

If you can't pay your policy in full up front, then at least pay early each month. This knocks one potential risk concern (non-payment) off your insurer's list.

3. Keep your driver record spotless.

Even a single ticket could add up to three years to the time period you are considered to be high risk for insurance purposes.

4. Enrol in driver training and defensive driving.

Most auto insurers will offer up to a 10 percent discount on annual premiums for drivers who take defensive driving for non-ticket reasons.

Re-taking a certified driver training course may also generate the option for a premium discount.

5. Choose your vehicle with safety in mind.

Avoid driving a sports car or luxury vehicle which could cause your claims payouts to be even higher.

6. Ask for a higher deductible.

Deductibles and premiums tend to have an inverse relationship. By increasing your insurance deductible, you may be able to lower your high risk auto insurance premiums.

7. Ask about low-mileage auto insurance.

If you only drive during certain hours, you may be able to pay lower rates.

8. Reach out to an insurance broker for help.

Your Mackay insurance broker in Belleville, Ontario, has access to a wide range of auto insurers and can negotiate on your behalf to get you the most favourable high risk auto insurance rate.

Your Mackay broker can also help you identify other opportunities to earn premium policy discounts that insurers may not tell you about.


Mackay Is Your Napanee and Belleville Auto Insurance Expert!

Regardless of the reasons you have been classified as a high risk driver, Mackay Insurance can help you find the best car insurance to protect you and your vehicle.

Looking for a quick auto insurance quote? Reach out to your friendly and knowledgeable Mackay Insurance brokers to request a FREE QUOTE on affordable high risk auto insurance in Ontario, Canada.

Visit us online or give us a call at 888-853-5552.

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How To Obtain Camper Trailer Insurance For Your Summer Camping Plans This Year!

Mackay Insurance in Belleville, Ontario, provides the best Camper Trailer Insurance coverage options.

How To Obtain Camper Trailer Insurance For Your Summer Camping Plans This Year!

The great outdoors has always been great. But in the wake of the global pandemic, being outdoors has become positively spectacular.

This year, getting outdoors is the safest way to have fun, de-stress and see other actual human beings again.

And one of the best ways to get outdoors is to go camping with your COVID bubble or social pod!

As the warm season approaches in earnest, it will soon be time to pile your tents and all your gear into your camper trailer and head for one of the lush and lovely scenic sites Canada is known for.

But before you hit the road, there is one thing you absolutely don't want to forget to do. Be sure to insure your camper trailer! Learn everything you need to know to get the best deal on camper trailer insurance in this post.


What Is a Camper Trailer?

There are four basic types of trailers.

1. Classic Pop-Top Camper Trailer

This is often dubbed the "pop up trailer" because when the tent portion is stowed away out of sight, it looks like a small rectangle on wheels.

But pop the lid and voila! You've got a really neat, multifunctional cross between an RV and a tent.

2. Hard Top Trailer

Hard top trailers are also called teardrop trailers, standup trailers, compact hard wall trailers and variations of the same.

These are extremely small, lightweight hitch trailers with a small footprint. Many can take you into the backcountry!

3. Fifth Wheel Trailer

If you imagine the exact opposite of a compact, lightweight camper trailer, what you have is the fifth wheel trailer.

Fifth wheel trailers are basically like little homes on wheels. Some are spacious enough for families to live full-time, but others are used more seasonally. They attach to a suitable vehicle for hauling by means of a special mounted coupling.

4. Cottager Trailer

A cottager trailer is essentially either a fifth wheel trailer or a traditional trailer that has been mounted semi-permanently or permanently on some type of foundation.


What Is Camper Trailer Insurance?

Fundamentally, camper trailer insurance is a type of insurance product that protects a towed, non-motorized, recreational vehicle.

And now that you have a better picture of all the different types of recreational vehicles that this definition applies towards, it will make more sense when we tell you that camper trailer insurance is not just one product.

Rather, it is a suite of products offering different types and levels of insurance coverage for different needs.

In most cases, camper trailer insurance policies and riders can be customized to reflect add-ons and modifications (such as a sunroom or deck) that may be unique to your specific camper trailer.


How to Choose the Right Camper Trailer Insurance

How do you know what type of camper trailer insurance policy you need to protect your investment?

This is what we recommend.

1. First, verify your camper trailer's value.

The best place to start is to verify your camper trailer's current market value. You want to know how much your investment is worth.

Some of our clients have been surprised to discover that, far from depreciating over time, their camper trailers have actually appreciated in value as a result of the pandemic.

2. Next, identify your usage patterns.

Are you living in your camper trailer seasonally or full-time? Do you envision using it for occasional weekend getaways throughout the summer? Perhaps you plan to take it on an extended trip cross-country or internationally.

Where will you park it? How will you secure it? What possessions or valuables will you bring with you? Will you have any pets on board?

The answers to each of these questions give you a better idea of your financial exposure if your camper trailer and its contents is not adequately insured.

3. Match your camper trailer with the right method of insurance coverage.

Let's say you have a cottager (stationary) camper trailer and you live in it seasonally or full time.

In this case, rather than purchasing a standalone camper trailer insurance policy, you would want to modify your homeowners insurance policy to reflect the new addition.

If you have a lightweight pop up or hard top camper trailer that you haul with your commuter vehicle, you may have partial liability coverage through your auto insurance policy. But typically this only applies when the camper trailer is physically attached to the hauling vehicle.

In this case, you would want to look at whether adding a rider on to your existing auto insurance or homeowner's insurance policy would provide enough coverage. Alternately, you may find that purchasing standalone camper trailer insurance ends up being both more comprehensive and more affordable.

Finally, if you have a fifth wheel camper trailer, you will most likely need to purchase a complete standalone camper trailer insurance policy to obtain the level of coverage required to fully protect your investment and your family.


Camper Trailer Insurance Coverage Options

Camper trailer insurance coverage is flexible enough to reflect different usage patterns, garaging options and special risks related to a camper trailer's shape and size.

The major categories to consider include the following:

  • Comprehensive and collision coverage
  • Liability coverage
  • Accessories (attachments) coverage
  • Emergency coverage


Call Your Mackay Broker For Belleville Camper Trailer Insurance

We predict this will be the summer of the camper trailer - and you don't want yours to be uninsured! A camper trailer is a high value investment that needs to be protected from loss, theft and damage.

Get in touch with your friendly, knowledgeable brokers at Mackay Insurance by phone or email today. We will help you get the best deal on affordable camper trailer insurance so you can get back to planning your summer camping adventure!

Visit us online or give us a call at 888-853-5552.

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